Higher Degree by Research projects
Classics and Ancient History HDR Projects
Current Projects
Student: Stephanie Golding
Project Title: The Pietas and Virtus of Scipio Africanus: Livy's Portaryal of a soldier, statesman and visionary
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Tom Stevenson
Student: Emma Bremner
Project Title: The Culture of Death and the Dead in Anceint Rome
Principal Advisor: Dr Janette McWilliam
Student: Charles Pry
Project Title: War on Stage: The Representation of War-making in the Tragedies of Euripides
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor David Pritchard
Student: Tyla Cascaes
Project Title: Casting Rome: The Portrayal of Character Types in film versions of ancient Rome
Principal Advisor: Professor Alastair Blanshard
Student: Stephanie Golding
Project Title: The Pietas and Virtus of Scipio Africanus: Livy's portrayal of a soldier, statesman and visionary
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Tom Stevenson
Student: Duncan Gray
Project Title: The Representation of Crisis in the Historia Augusta
Principal Advisor: Dr Amelia Brown
Student: Edward D'Orange
Project Title: Democracy and Religion in Classical Athens
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor David Pritchard
Student: Mark Mather
Project Title: The Supply of Julius Caesar's Army during the Gallic Campaigns and Civil Wars
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Tom Stevenson
Student: Miles-Christian Maureira
Project Title: Bribery under the Roman Republic
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Tom Stevenson
Student: Brianna Sands
Project Title: Colour and Cultural Associations in Roman Religion and Ritual
Principal Advisor: Dr Janette McWilliam
Student: Rory Ardill-Walker
Project Title: War on Stage: the theme of war in Euripides' Trojan Women and Suppliant Women
Principal Advisor: Professor Alastair Blanshard
Contact: r.ardillwalker@uqconnect.edu.au
Student: Lucile Myers
Project Title: The Impact of Attribution and Restoration on our Understanding of Greek and Roman Sculpture of Classical Antiquity
Principal Advisor: Professor Alastair Blanshard
Contact: lucile.myers@uqconnect.edu.au
Student: Katherine Prouting
Project Title: Domestic Violence in the Ancient Athenian Law-Court Speeches
Principal Advisor: Professor Alastair Blanshard
Contact: k.prouting@uqconnect.edu.au
Religious Studies HDR Projects
Current Projects
Student: Prabuddha Mukherjee
Project Title: South Asian Immigration and Religious Diversity in Queensland, 1975-present.
Principal Advisor: Dr. Adam Bowles
Student: Peter Lockhart
Project Title: A critical analysis of the content of sermons preached by ministers ordained in the Uniting Church in Queensland between 2002-2012, with particular reference to key theological themes and socio-cultural issues
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Neil Pembroke
Student: Neal Anson Sinclair
Project Title: When Theravada Buddhist nationalism becomes internationalism: a look into the relationships between Buddhist nationalist groups and the implications this has for a pan-South and South-East Asian, Theravada Buddhist identity
Principal Advisor: Dr Adam Bowles
Student: Jerrold Cuperus
Project Title: Technologies of Presence: Practices of Mediation among Pentecostals in Queensland
Principal Advisor: Dr Tom Aechtner
Student: Ernie Laskaris
Project Title: A Kierkegaardian Inquiry into Youth Self-Destruction
Principal Advisor: Dr Neil Pembroke
Student: Alexander Lennox
Project Title: Courtesy and Holiness: The Christian Gentleman in Wesleyan and Australian Evangelical Thought
Principal Advisor: Dr Neil Pembroke
Student: Peter Lockhart
Project Title: A critical analysis of the content of sermons preached by ministers ordained between 2002 - 2012 in the United Church in Queensland with particular reference to key theological themes and socio-cultural issues
Principal Advisor: Dr Neil Pembroke
Student: Sarah Nicholl
Project Title: Liberation spirituality: a challence to First World Western Christian spirituality?
Principal Advisor: Dr Neil Pembroke
Student: Matthias Prenzler
Project Title: Songs of Comfort in a Valley of Tears: Seelsorge, Song, and the Thirty Years' War.
Principal Advisor: Dr Neil Pembroke
Student: Lotte Scheel
Project Title: Great Goddess or Model Devotee? A Study of Radha in the Puranas
Principal Advisor: Dr Adam Bowles
Student: Clare Schwantes
Project Title: A Liturgical-Philosophical Hermeneutic of Scripture
Principal Advisor: Dr Neil Pembroke
Student: Jessica White
Project Title: A study of the Sri Selva Vinayakar Temple in South Maclean, Queensland
Principal Advisor: Dr Adam Bowles
Student: Oliver Zambon
Project Title: ISKCON and Science
Principal Advisor: Dr Tom Aechtner
Student: Elizabeth Culhane
Project Title: Dynamic Tension: Knowledge, Being, and Time between Theological Metaphysics and Continental Philosophy
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Neil Pembroke
Contact: e.culhane@uq.edu.au
Philosophy HDR Projects
Current Projects
Student: Joel Glazebrook
Project Title: The relevance of analogical reasoning in canonical philosophy and its connection to philosophical education
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Marguerite La Caze
Student: Grace Campbell
Project Title: A philosophical enquiry into self destruction
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Michelle Boulous Walker
Student: Gopika Gurudas
Project Title: Ontologies of Force: Violence, Non-Violence and Resistance (Studies of Indian and Australian historical contexts through philosophy, film, literature.)
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Marguerite La Caze
Student: Dinesh Devaraj
Project Title: Digital ethics in a big data age: the challenges of privacy and consent
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Crowden
Student: Jonathan Edwards
Project Title: Ethical deliberation in humanitarian action, can a pragmatist approach make sense of humanitarian moral responsibility and mitigate moral distress?
Principal Advisor: Dr Julian Lamont
Student: Sara Ekenstierna
Project Title: Authenticity as Self-Transcendence: An Interdisciplinary Study
Principal Advisor: Dr Paul Tyson
Student: Shaun Hegarty
Project Title: The science of consciousness: what does Global Workspace Theory bring to the table?
Principal Advisor: Professor Deborah Brown
Student: David Kinkhead
Project Title: Simulation as Argument: Towards a computational approach of philosophy
Principal Advisor: Dr Guillermo Badia
Student: Oliver Lane-Porter
Project Title: Surveillance capitalism and the challenge to liberalism
Principal Advisor: Dr Julian Lamont
Student: Paige Maguire
Project Title: You Say You Want a Revolution: The moral need for global environmental governance in an age of global climate change
Principal Advisor: Dr Aurelia Armstrong
Student: Glen Manga
Project Title: The observer and observed as one, a philosophical move from disembodiment and dysfunctional action to a trans disciplinary topocosmic re-embodiment and relational action
Principal Advisor: Dr Julian Lamont
Student: Dinh Nguyen
Project Title: Informational approaches to causal asymmetry
Principal Advisor: Dr Peter Evans
Student: Benjamin Retschlag
Project Title: Trust, Consent, and Privacy in the Surveillance Economy
Principal Advisor: Dr Julian Lamont
Student: Arden Rushwood
Project Title: The Politics of Authenticity
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Marguerite La Caze
Student: Peter Shaw
Project Title: Can scientific theories of moral cognition ground moral philosophy?
Principal Advisor: Dr Julian Lamont
Student: Madeleine Shield
Project Title: From Shame to Love
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Marguerite La Caze
Student: William Sked
Project Title: Richard Sylvan's actual world pluralism
Principal Advisor: Dr Joel Katzav
Student: Josh Szymanski
Project Title: The Thread of Deconstruction: Coming to Monique Wittig through Derrida and Cixous
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Michelle Boulous Walker
Student: Jacob Taylor
Project Title: Scepticism of other minds in the animal pain debate
Principal Advisor: Professor Deborah Brown
Student: Jason Tillett
Project Title: Human freedom: spinoza, descartes and kant
Principal Advisor: Dr Aurelia Armstrong
Student: Christiaan van Oeveren
Project Title: The options of autonomy
Principal Advisor: Dr Julian Lamont
Student: Alexandra Varlakov
Project Title: A Naturalistic Framework for Ontic Structural Realism
Principal Advisor: Dr Joel Katzav
Student: Diane Zetlin
Project Title: Gender and the formation of the early modern state
Principal Advisor: Professor Deborah Brown
Student: Anton Chang
Project Title: Work in Progress: The Phenomenology of Work
Principal Advisor: Dr Michelle Boulous Walker
Contact: anton.chang@uqconnect.edu.au
Student: Anthony Cupitt
Project Title: Should the batter walk? Fairness and ethical decision making in the sport of cricket
Principal Advisor: Dr Julian Lamont
Student: Ross Forgione
Project Title: The ethical and legal arguments for the abolition of advocate immunity in Australia
Principal Advisor: Dr Julian Lamont
Student: Glenn Manga
Project Title: The Observer and Observed As One, A Philosophical Move From Disembodiment and Dysfunctional Action, To A Trans-Disciplinary Topocosmic Re-embodiment and Relational Action
Principal Advisor: Dr Julian Lamont
Student: Chris Mesiku
Project Title: Valuing the inexact - Novel applications of Tacit Knowledge in scientific, social and psychological research.
Principal Advisor: Dr Joel Katzav
Contact: c.mesiku@uq.edu.au
Student: Diane Zetlin
Project Title: Gender and the formation of the early modern state
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Deborah Brown
Student: Kaitlin Smalley
Project Title: Lovers of wisdom on Stolen Land: an investigation into the under- and mis-representation/s of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander philosophers and philosophies in Australian tertiary philosophy education today
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Gilbert Burgh
Contact: kaitlin.smalley@uq.net.au
Student: Bridget Allan
Project Title: Bringing Hannah Arendt and Simone de Beauvoir into Conversation on Political Judgment and Violence: A Response to Moral and Political Crises Today
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Marguerite La Caze
Contact: bridget.allan@uq.net.au
Student: Russell Varley
Project Title: Public Deliberation and the Intellectual Dark Web - A Socio-Epistemic Investigation
Principal Advisor: Emeritus Professor Fred D'Agostino
Contact: r.varley@uq.edu.au
History HDR Projects
Current Projects
Student: Samuel Finch
Project Title: "From the Oder and the Rhine": Germans in South Australia, 1838-1914
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Student: Anne Allingham
Project Title: A history of the Gudjal Aboriginal people of North Queensland from 1861.
Principal Advisor: Professor Lisa Featherstone
Student: Liam Barnsdale
Project Title: Experiences of Secondary School Cadet Training in Australia and New Zealand During the Second World War
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Martin Crotty
Student: Sarah Chase
Project Title: Konigsberg / Kaliningrad - a contested site of memore
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Student: Shane Coghill
Project Title: Politics or Religion: An Exploration of Goenpul governance and inclusiveness, and the role of the Bora Council in the traditional life of South-East Queensland
Principal Advisor: Professor Lisa Featherstone
Student: Jon Edwards
Project Title: Professional Identity and Politics in Education in the Weimar Republic: a study of the Deutscher Philologenverband
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Student: Samuel Finch
Project Title: From the oder and the rhine: Germans in South Australia, 1838-1914
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Student: Robin Franklin
Project Title: History of the Development of Military Professionalism in the 9th Battalion Royal Queensland Regiment (9) RQR from 1867 to 1914
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Martin Crotty
Student: Samantha Grey
Project Title: The Unsexed Woman: Female Reproductive Disorders in mid 20th Century Australia
Principal Advisor: Professor Lisa Featherstone
Student: Kristian Ireland
Project Title: Following the post-Second World War migration of Soviet displaced persons from Europe to Australia: the cultural and artistic traditions of Ukrainians and Russian diaspora, in personal and public life
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Student: Jennifer Jorm
Project Title: Animals and emotion in eighteenth-century England
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Student: Henry Meiring
Project Title: The Descent of Morality: Evolution and the Politics of Morality in late Nineteenth-Century Britain
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Ian Hesketh
Student: Malcolm Neaum
Project Title: The Historian in Front of the Camera
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Geoff Ginn
Student: Samouil Panayotov
Project Title: The Bulgarian participation in the Brest-Litovsk Treaty negotiations
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Student: Janet Spillman
Project Title: FM Bailey: Botanist in Colonial Queensland
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Geoff Ginn
Student: Kyle van Beurden
Project Title: Trial and error: The British army that fought revolutionary and Napoleonic France
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Student: Dean Wharton
Project Title: Alex Macdonald. The role of the Communist Party of Australia in Queensland Industrial Relations from the 1930s to the 1960s.
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Student: Christopher White
Project Title: The Expression of Didactic Normativity in Tales of the Non-Mundane
Principal Advisor: Professor Megan Cassidy-Welch
Student: Kazuki Yamada
Project Title: Sexual Science, Medicine, and Healthy Ageing in Historical Perspective (c. 1880-1970)
Principal Advisor: Emeritus Professor Maxwell Cryle
Student: Bridget Andresen
Project Title: She Was Asking For It: Rape Myths in Twentieth-Century Queensland, 1945 -1970
Principal Advisor: Professor Lisa Featherstone
Student: Noreen Redhead
Project Title: A political biography of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo: an assessment of his significance in the development of modern Indonesia
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Chi-Kong Lai
Student: Paige Donaghy
Project Title: False Conceptions, Molas and the Making of the Human Foetus in English and European Medicine and Society, 1600-1800
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Elizabeth Stephens
Contact: paige.donaghy@uqconnect.edu.au
Student: Cassie Byrnes
Project Title: The Smart State?: Reproduction Regulation in Queensland from the Contraception Pill to the Abortion Pill
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Lisa Featherstone
Contact: c.byrnes@uq.edu.au
Student: Harry Kriewaldt
Project Title: Olgem eestlased, aga saagem ka eurooplasteks: Estonia's Experience of European Integration
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Contact: harry.kriewaldt@uqconnect.edu.au
Student: Ilona Fekete
Project Title: "Spiritual Hungary": Self-Representation, National Heritage, and Identity at the Hungarian Australian Cultural Festivals (1969-2017)
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Contact: i.fekete@uqconnect.edu.au
Student: Troy Gillan
Project Title: Looking to the East: German business and the planning and implementation of the occupation of the Soviet Union 1939-42
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Contact: t.gillan@uqconnect.edu.au
Student: Fiona McLeod
Project Title: Australian Army nurses and war related trauma in World War I
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Martin Crotty
Contact: fiona.mcleod@uqconnect.edu.au
Student: Frédéric Barthet
Project Title: The Anglo-Saxons in the French Foreign Legion during the Interwar period: Myths and Realities
Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Contact: f.barthet@uq.net.au