Dr Julian Lamont
Lecturer in Philosophy and Honours Advisor in Philosophy
+61 7 336 56319
Room E333, Forgan Smith Building (1)

Researcher biography
Dr Julian Lamont's research interests include Political philosophy and economics, metaphysics, applied ethics, business and professional ethics, and bioethics.
He teaches in the areas of the Introduction to Social, Political and Legal Philosophy; Crime and Punishment: Issues in Legal Philosophy; Social and Economic Justice; Business and Professional Ethics; Political Philosophy.
Book Chapters
Lamont, Julian (2018). Problems for effort-based distribution principles. Justice. (pp. 143-157) edited by Wojciech Sadurski. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315193496-7
Lamont, Julian and Favor, Christi (2017). Distributive justice. Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. (pp. *-*) Stanford, CA USA: Stanford University.
Lamont, Julian and Favor, Christi (2014). Distributive justice. Ethics and the military profession: the moral foundations of leadership. (pp. 401-406) edited by George R. Lucas and William Rubel. Boston, MA, United States: Pearson.
Lamont, Julian and Favor, Christi (2013). Distributive Justice. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (pp. 1-46) edited by Edward N. Zalta. Stanford, CA United States: Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University.
Lamont, Julian and Lowe, Kevin (2012). Core issues in ethics for scientists. Applied ethics: strengthening ethical practices. (pp. 208-218) edited by Peter Bowden. Prahran, VIC, Australia: Tilde Publishing and Distribution.
Lamont, Julian (2012). Introduction. Distributive justice. (pp. xi-xxi) edited by Julian Lamont. Surrey, U.K.; Burlington, VA, U.S.A.: Ashgate Publishing.
Lamont, Julian (2012). Incentive income, deserved income and economic rents. Distributive justice. (pp. 363-383) edited by Julian Lamont. Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate. doi: 10.4324/9781315257563-12
Favor, Christi, Gaus, Gerald and Lamont, Julian (2010). Introduction. Essays on philosophy, politics & economics : Integration & common research projects. (pp. 1-11) edited by Christi Favor, Gerald Gaus and Julian Lamont. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
Lamont, Julian (2010). Productivity, compensation, and voluntariness. Essays on Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Integration and Common Research Projects. (pp. 121-138) edited by Christi Favor, Gerald F. Gaus and Julian Lamont. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
Lamont, J. (2004). Distributive Justice. Handbook of Political Theory. (pp. 223-238) edited by G F Gaus and C Kukathas. London: Sage.
Lamont, J. (2003). More solutions to the puzzle of when death harms its victims?. Death and Anti-Death Volume 1 One Hundred Years after N.F. Federov (1829-1903). (pp. 377-396) edited by Tandy and Charles. California: Ria University Pres.
Journal Articles
Lacey, Justine, Edwards, Peter and Lamont, Julian (2016). Social licence as social contract: procedural fairness and forest agreement-making in Australia. Forestry, 89 (5), 489-499. doi: 10.1093/forestry/cpw027
Lamont, Julian (2014). University education fees, economic rents and distributive justice. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 31 (3), 287-306. doi: 10.1111/japp.12061
Elaurant, Scott and Lamont, Julian (2014). The 'Market Rate' justification for CEO pay. Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics, 14 (2), 32-43.
Lacey, Justine and Lamont, Julian (2013). Using social contract to inform social licence to operate: an application in the Australian coal seam gas industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 84 (1), 831-839. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.11.047
Elaurant, Scott and Lamont, Julian (2012). Assessing whether CEOs deserve their pay. Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics, 14 (1), 78-91.
Lamont, Julian and Favor, Christi (2009). Price gouging in disaster zones: An ethical framework. Social Alternatives, 29 (1), 49-54.
Lamont, Julian (2008). Incentives and Reflective Equilibrium in Distributive Justice Debates. The Journal of Philosophical Economics, 2 (1), 5-19.
Lamont, J and Lacey, J. F. (2006). The ethics of patents on genetically modified organisms. Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics, 8 (2), 1-11.
Lamont, J. (2001). The ethics of doctor supply restriction in Australia. Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics, 3 (1), 22-39.
Lamont, Julian (1998). A solution to the puzzle of when death harms its victims. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 76 (2), 198-212. doi: 10.1080/00048409812348351
Conference Papers
Crowden, Andrew and Lamont, Julian (2017). Seven key challenges associated with the ethical governance of new [global] hybrid genomic data infrastructures (genomic biobanks). Human Genetics Society of Australia, 41st Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane QLD, Australia, 5-8 August 2017.
Crowden, Andrew, Devereux, John and Lamont, Julian (2016). Ethical governance of biobanking and genomic research. Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law Conference, Melbourne, 24-26 November 2016.
Lamont, Julian (2010). Ethics and swimsuits. Annual Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 9-11 June 2009. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Charles Sturt University, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics.
Lamont, J. and Lacey, J. (2005). Should genetically modified organisms be patentable?. AAPAE Conference: 12th Annual Conference 28-30 September, 2005 Adelaide South Australia, University of South Australia, 28-30 September 2005. Australia: AAPAE.
Generic Document
Reference Entries
Lamont, J. (2007). Distributive Justice.
Lamont, J. (2002). Distributive Justice.