Researcher Interests

  • Many-valued logics and related algebras
    fuzzy logics, residuated lattices, model theory of fuzzy logics
  • Substructural logics with relational semantics
    intuitionistic logic, relevant logic
  • Non-classical mathematics
    mathematics done in a non-classical logical background


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Otago


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Researcher biography

I'm a Lecturer in Philosophy (continuing position) at the University of Queensland (Australia). Before this, I was a postdoc in mathematical logic in the Department of Knowledge-Based Mathematical Systems at Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) on an FWF project on residuated structures. Overlapping with this, I also worked on a GACR project on predicate graded logics in computer science. I received my PhD from the University of Otago (New Zealand) in 2017. From 2022-2025, my research is supported by an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DE220100544). There was a workshop to kick off the project in 10-12 November 2022. I'm an editor of the Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing (so please get in touch if you want me to handle your manuscript).

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