The Classics and Ancient History discipline at UQ has a research strength in Late Antiquity. Late Antiquity is the study of the history, art, archaeology, literature and culture of the Mediterranean world in the second to seventh centuries after Christ. In the Mediterranean World and across Europe, this era was marked by significant and long-lasting political, economic and religious change, notably the political fragmentation of the Roman Empire, the emergence of the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire centred on Constantinople, and the rise of Christianity.

Featured projects Duration
Research and the RD Milns Antiquities Museum: Donors, Artefacts and Data Base Management
Summer Research Scholarship
RD Milns Antiquities Museum summer research
Summer Research Scholarship
Popular perceptions of Roman emperors from Augustus to Theodosius
Summer Research Scholarship
Popular Perceptions of Roman Emperors from Augustus to Theodosius I
ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
Like frogs around a pond: Maritime Religion and Seafaring Gods of Ancient Greek Culture
ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award