Research and the RD Milns Antiquities Museum: Donors, Artefacts and Data Base Management

November 2016February 2017
Summer Research Scholarship


In 2017, The Alumni Friends of the University of Queensland will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary. To help the Alumni Friends mark this important anniversary, we will be both celebrating Betty Fletcher’s involvement with the RD Milns Antiquities Museum at the University of Queensland, and compiling research on past winners of the Betty Fletcher Memorial Travelling Scholarship, established in 1992. When Betty died in 1990, the Friends of Antiquity UQ resolved to honour her memory by raising the capital for and establishing a Travelling Scholarship to enable a meritorious student of Classics and Ancient History to travel for academic purposes to the lands of classical antiquity. The scholarship, which was awarded for the first time in 1992, is named the Betty Fletcher Memorial Travelling Scholarship.

In conjunction with carrying out research on the past winners of the Betty Fletcher Memorial Travelling Scholarship, the Antiquities Museum Summer Scholar will be introduced to various aspects of the collection, comprising artefacts from Greece, Rome, Italy and the wider Mediterranean. They will also develop key skills in using the EMu data base.

Expected outcomes and deliverables

  • Undertake Research for, and contribute to, the project compiling information on past holders of the Betty Fletcher Memorial Travelling Scholarship
  • Learn how to use the EMu data base, a data base used by many museums and cultural institutions around the world, and understand the role that the data base plays in the RD Milns Antiquities Museum in managing the collection, end of year reconciliation, and research
  • Assist in the end of year reconciliation and undertake artefact and donor research as required

Suitable for

Students in Classics and Ancient History, History, Archaeology or related discipline who are also interested in Museums and material culture, and who have completed at least 2 years of study by the end of 2016.

Project members

Dr Janette McWilliam

Senior Lecturer in Classics and Ancient and Discipline Convenor