Researcher biography
In 2015 Mark completed a PhD entitled: “Making ‘the One Day of the Year’: a Genealogy of Anzac Day to 1918”. In 2016 he was awarded a Q Anzac 100 Fellowship from the State Library of Queensland. He was formerly the Manager of the Fryer Library at the University of Queensland. Mark has researched, written and presented on aspects of both Australian and British history and literature. Of late his work has focussed on the Australian home front during World War 1. Recent publications include:
- “’Poor little Queensland’: Resisting Six O’clock Closing in the ‘Hot-bed of Disloyalty’”, Australian Journal of Politics and History, v.64, no.3, 2018.
- ‘“The Tragic Pageant of War’: Anzac Commemoration in 1917 and 1918”, Social Alternatives, v.37, no. 3, 2018.
- “’Gunner’ Taylour and the Comrades of War League”, Queensland History Journal, v.24, no.1, 2019.
In another life, Mark is a musician and songwriter.
Book Chapters
Cryle, Mark (2012). Molesworth, Maud Margaret (Mall) (1894–1985). Australian dictionary of biography. (pp. xx-xx) edited by Douglas Pike. Carlton, VIC, Australia: Melbourne University Press.
Cryle, Mark (2010). St Patrick's Day bash. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 126-127) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). Jack Fryer. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 10-11) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). F. W. Robinson. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 12-13) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). Lecture on national education. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 30-31) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). John Jardine reports on Somerset. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 38-39) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). McConnel papers and the Durundur blacks. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 40-41) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). Rules for prison library. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 56-57) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). Diary of shearer' strike. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 62-63) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). Pete Seeger concert ephemera. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 144-145) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). Hayes collection. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 146-147) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). The people's bookshop. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 156-157) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2010). Somewhere in France. Found in Fryer: Stories from the Fryer Library collection. (pp. 80-81) edited by Roslyn Follett. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Library.
Cryle, Mark (2000). Krimmer, William Charles (1867–1944). Australian dictionary of biography, Volume 15, 1940-1980. (pp. x-y) edited by John Richie. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne University Press.
Cryle, Mark (1992). Historical Introduction. Tom Petrie's Reminiscences of Early Queensland. (pp. xvii-xlvi) edited by Constance Campbell Petrie. St Lucia, QLD Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Journal Articles
Cryle, Mark (2022). “A time for noble enthusiasms”: schools and Anzac commemoration, 1916–1918. History of Education Review, 51 (2), 214-228. doi: 10.1108/her-05-2022-0018
Cryle, Mark (2018). "Poor little Queensland": resisting six o'clock closing in the "Hot-bed of Disloyalty", 1915-1918. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 64 (3), 464-479. doi: 10.1111/ajph.12459
Cryle, Mark (2018). 'The Tragic Pageant of War': ANZAC commemoration in 1917 and 1918. Social Alternatives, 37 (3), 12-18.
Cryle, Mark (2014). "Natural enemies"? Anzac and the left to 1919. Labour History, 106 (106), 143-162. doi: 10.5263/labourhistory.106.0143
Cryle, Mark (2011). 'A very small acorn': tracing the origins of the Fryer Library. Crossroads: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of history, philosophy, religion and classics, V (2), 57-63.
Cryle, Mark (2010). A very small acorn: tracing the origins of the Fryer Library. Fryer Folios, 5 (1), 7-13.
Cryle, Mark (2009). 'Australia's shadow side': Arthur Vogan and the Black Police. Fryer folios, 4 (3), 18-21.
Cryle, Mark (2009). Queensland's Past Online: Unlocking the past and re-engergising the study of Queensland. Phoenix (6), 5-5.
Cryle, Mark (2009). Digitisation robot joins the team at UQ Library. Fryer Folios, 4 (2), 17-20.
Cryle, Mark (2009). The secret war: a true history of Queensland's native police. Australian Journal of Politics & History, 55 (1), 125-127. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8497.2009.01508a.x
Cryle, Mark (2008). Scapegoat of the Empire: George Witton and the Breaker Morant Affair. Fryer folios, 3 (1), 8-12.
Cryle, Mark (2008). From Humble Beginnings: the Fryer Library at The University of Queensland. inCite, 29 (8), 12-13.
Cryle, Mark (2008). A great day for the university: The Hayes Collection comes to UQ. Proceedings/Brisbane Catholic Historical Society, 11, 168-182.
Cryle, Mark (2007). Australian indigenous libraries and knowledge: Book review. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 36, 111-113.
Cryle, Mark (2007). A great day for the University: The Hayes Collection comes to UQ. Fryer folios, 2 (2), 4-9.
Cryle, Mark (2006). Duncan McNab, James Quinn and the Mission to the Queensland Aborigines 1875-1880. Proceedings of Brisbane Catholic Historical Society, 10 (2006) (1), 181-197.
Conference Papers
Cryle, Mark (2014). "Queensland Vous Salue": The French Mission to Australia 1918. Somewhere in France, Somewhere in Australia: A Public Symposium, Southbank, QLD, Australia, 11 July, 2014.
Cryle, Mark (2014). The architecture of Anzac Day: shaping the 1916 observance in Queensland. AHA 2014: The Australian Historical Association 33rd Annual Conference. Conflict in History, St. Lucia, QLD, Australia, 7-11 July, 2014. Fullarton, SA, Australia: sapro Conference Management.
Cryle, Mark (2013). Writing the National Birth Notice: the Australian press and the Gallipoli landing. AMT 2013: 8th Australian Media Traditions Conference, St. Lucia, QLD, Australia, 25-26 November, 2013.
Cryle, Mark (2010). 'Our excellent little library': An account of the Cosme Library. Ninth Australian Library History Conference, Prahran, Vic., Australia, 26-27 June, 2009. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
Cryle, Mark (2009). A 'Fantastic adventure': Reading Christison of Lammermoor. Journeys through Queensland's history: Landscape, place and society, Brisbane, Australia, 3-4 September 2009. St. Lucia, Qld., Australia: Professional Historians Association Queensland.
Cryle, Mark (2009). A 'Fantastic adventure': Reading Christison of Lammermoor. Professional Historians Association Queensland Conference, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia, 3-4 September 2009. St.Lucia, Qld.: Professional Historians Association (Queensland).
Reference Entry
Research Reports
Cryle, Mark (2024). “Academic garrison” or an “army of amateurs”? Reappraising the University of Queensland War Committee. Brisbane, QLD Australia:
Cryle, Mark (2013). Collection spotlight for November: 'Postcards from the Front', the JD Fryer Collection. Fryer Library Blog St Lucia, QLD, Australia:
Cryle, Mark (2016). Making ‘the One Day of the Year’: a Genealogy of Anzac Day to 1918. PhD Thesis, School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2016.933
Cryle, Mark (1989). Duncan McNab's mission to the Queensland Aborigines, 1875-1880. Honours Thesis, School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/201508