Associate Professor Morris Low
Associate Professor in Japanese History and Director of Teaching and Learning (Acting)
+61 7 336 56543
Room E354, Forgan Smith Building (1)

Researcher biography
Dr Morris Low's research interests include the history of Japanese science and technology, history of Australia-Japan relations, Japanese visual culture, and issues relating to identity.
His current research projects include: the history of nuclear power in Japan; and the history of Japan’s participation in international expositions and Olympic Games.
He is Editor of the East Asia Series of research monographs published by Routledge for the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA).
From September 2011 through to the end of 2012, he was Acting Head of the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies at UQ. For several years, he was an Adjunct Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA.
Featured projects | Duration |
A Trip to the Reactor |
Low, Morris (2020). Visualizing nuclear power in Japan: a trip to the reactor. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-47198-9
Kargon, Robert H., Fiss, Karen, Low, Morris and Molella, Arthur P. (2015). World's fairs on the eve of war: science, technology and modernity, 1937-1942. Pittsburgh, PA, United States: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Morris-Suzuki, Tessa, Low, Morris, Petrov, Leonid and Tsu, Timothy Y. (2013). East Asia beyond the History Wars: confronting the ghosts of violence. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203084533
Levin, Miriam R., Forgan, Sophie, Hessler, Martina, Kargon, Robert H. and Low, Morris (2010). Urban modernity. Cultural innovation in the second industrial revolution. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. doi: 10.7551/mitpress/9780262013987.001.0001
Low, Morris (2006). Japan on Display: Photography and the Emperor. New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203087329
Low, Morris (2005). Science and the Building of a New Japan. 1st ed. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. doi: 10.1057/9781403976925
Low, Morris (2005). Building a Modern Japan: Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Meiji Era and Beyond. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781403981110
Louie, Kam and Low, Morris (2003). Asian Masculinities: The meaning and practice of manhood in China and Japan. RoutledgeCurzon Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.4324/9780203987933
Low, M., Nakatama, S. and Yoshioka, H. (1999). Science, Technology and Society in Contemporary Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Book Chapters
Low, Morris (2020). Japan at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. Japan in Australia: culture, context and connections. (pp. 81-95) edited by David Chapman and Carol Hayes. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429196485-6
Low, Morris F. (2020). East and Southeast Asia: a commentary. Modern Science in National, Transnational, and Global Context. (pp. 626-638) edited by Hugh Richard Slotten, Ronald L. Numbers and David N. Livingstone. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781139044301.034
Low, Morris (2019). Atoms for peace in Brussels and Osaka: World’s Fairs and the shaping of Japanese attitudes to nuclear power. World's Fairs in the Cold War: science, technology, and the culture of progress. (pp. 46-54) edited by Arthur P. Molella and Scott Gabriel Knowles. Pittsburgh, PA, United States: University of Pittsburgh Press. doi: 10.2307/j.ctvpbnqjx.7
Low, Morris (2013). Art, photography and remembering Hiroshima. East Asia beyond the history wars: confronting the ghosts of violence. (pp. 153-163) edited by Tessa Morris-Suzuki, Morris Low, Leonid Petrov and Timothy Y. Tsu. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203084533
Low, Morris (2013). Science, Christianity and Confucianism in the lives of An Jung-geun, Kotoku Shusui, Osugi Sakae and Lu Xun. Japan and the high treason incident. (pp. 184-195) edited by Masako Gavin and Ben Middleton. New York, NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203495940
Low, Morris (2013). Bridging the technology gap in Japan: technology, culture and identity from the late 19th to the 21st century. Bridging the Technology Gap: Historical Perspectives on Modern Asia. (pp. 1-32) edited by Bae, Youngsoo and Soon Park, Buhm. Seoul, Republic of Korea: Seoul National University Press.
Low, Morris (2013). Gender and representation of the war in Tokyo museums. East Asia beyond the history wars: confronting the ghosts of violence. (pp. 107-124) edited by Tessa Morris-Suzuki, Morris Low, Leonid Petrov and Timothy Y. Tsu. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Low, Morris (2010). Promoting scientific and technological change in Tokyo, 1870-1930: Museums, industrial exhibitions, and the city. Urban Modernity. Cultural Innovation in the Second Industrial Revolution. (pp. 205-254) edited by Miriam R. Levin, Sophie Forgan, Martina Hessler, Robert H. Kargon and Morris Low. Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.; London, U.K.: The MIT Press.
Low, Morris (2010). Physicists as policymakers in postwar Japan: The rise of joint-use university research institutes. Physics and politics. Research and research support in twentieth century Germany in international perspective. (pp. 227-250) edited by Trischler, H. and Walker, M.. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Low, Morris (2009). Technological culture. The Cambridge Companion to Modern Japanese Culture. (pp. 130-146) edited by Sugimoto, Yoshio. Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CCOL9780521880473.008
Low, M. (2006). Oseania: Nihon kigyo ni okeru gijutsu kakushin to keiei. 現代日本企業 3 グローバル・レビュー. (pp. 97-117) edited by A. Kudo, T. Kikkawa and F. D. Hook. Tokyo, Japan: Yuhikaku.
Low, Morris (2006). railways. Encyclopedia Of Contemporary Japanese Culture. (pp. 412-414) edited by Sandra Buckley. London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780203996348
Low, Morris (2006). science and technology parks. Encyclopedia Of Contemporary Japanese Culture. (pp. 442-442) edited by Sandra Buckley. London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780203996348
Low, Morris (2006). just-in-time delivery. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture. (pp. 241-242) edited by Sandra Buckley. London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780203996348
Low, Morris (2006). technology, transport and communications. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture. (pp. 508-511) edited by Sandra Buckley. London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780203996348
Low, Morris and Buckley, Sandra (2006). information society. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture. (pp. 212-215) edited by Sandra Buckley. London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780203996348
Low, M. (2005). Introduction. Building a Modern Japan. (pp. 1-10) edited by M. Low. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Low, Morris (2005). Physicists on the Left: Sakata and Taketani. Science and the Building of a New Japan. (pp. 73-103) New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan US. doi: 10.1057/9781403976925_4
Low, Morris (2005). Science on the International Stage: Hayakawa. Science and the Building of a New Japan. (pp. 169-196) New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan US. doi: 10.1057/9781403976925_7
Low, Morris (2005). The Politics of Pure Science: Yukawa and Tomonaga. Science and the Building of a New Japan. (pp. 105-141) New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan US. doi: 10.1057/9781403976925_5
Low, Morris (2005). The Making of the Japanese Physicist. Science and the Building of a New Japan. (pp. 1-15) New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan US. doi: 10.1057/9781403976925_1
Low, Morris (2005). Corporate Science: Sagane. Science and the Building of a New Japan. (pp. 143-168) New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan US. doi: 10.1057/9781403976925_6
Low, Morris (2005). Introduction. Building a Modern Japan. (pp. 1-10) New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan US. doi: 10.1057/9781403981110_1
Low, Morris (2005). Mobilizing Science in World War II: Yoshio Nishina. Science and the Building of a New Japan. (pp. 17-44) New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan US. doi: 10.1057/9781403976925_2
Low, Morris (2005). Conclusion. Science and the Building of a New Japan. (pp. 197-199) New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan US. doi: 10.1057/9781403976925_8
Low, Morris (2003). Conclusion. Asian Masculinities: The Meaning and Practice of Manhood in China and Japan. (pp. 244-247) RoutledgeCurzon Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.4324/9780203987933
Low, M. (2003). The Japanese colonial eye: Travel, exploration and empire. Photography's other histories. (pp. 100-118) edited by N. Peterson and C. Pinney. Durham: Duke University Press. doi: 10.1215/9780822384717-007
Low, Morris (2003). The Emperor’s Sons Go to War: Competing Masculinities in Modern Japan. Asian Masculinities: The Meaning and Practice of Manhood in China and Japan. (pp. 81-99) edited by Louie, Kam and Low, Morris. London , U. K.: Curzon Press/RoutledgeCurzon. doi: 10.4324/9780203987933
Low, M. (2003). Conclusion. Asian Masculinities. The Meaning and Practice of Manhood in China and Japan. (pp. 244-247) edited by K. Louie and M. Low. London: Routledge Curzon.
Beyler , R. H. and Low, M. F. (2002). Science Policy in Post-1945 West Germany and Japan: Between Ideology and Economics. Science and Ideology: A Comparative History. (pp. 97-123) edited by Mark Walker. London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315015002-11
Low, Morris (2002). The reformatting of Japan for the people. Science, Technology and the New Economy. Japan - Change and Continuity. (pp. 179-191) edited by J. Maswood, J. Graham and H. Miyajima. London: Routledge Curzon. doi: 10.4324/9780203220474
Low, M. (2002). Science, Technology and Gender. Science Revolutions. (pp. 180-197) edited by S. Nakayama and H. Yoshioka. Tokyo: Gakuyo Shobo.
Low, M. (2002). Kagaku gijutsu to jendaa. Kagaku kakumei no genzai shi. (pp. 180-197) edited by Shigeru Nakayama and Hitoshi Yoshioka. Tokyo: Gakuyô Shobô.
Low, M. (2001). Introduction. Science, Technology and Research and Development in Japan. (pp. 1-5) edited by Low, M.. London: Routledge.
Low, M. (2001). Introduction. Science, Technology and Research and Development in Japan, Vol 2. (pp. 1-5) edited by M.Low. London: Routledge.
Low, M. (2001). Physics and society: The development of particle physics in wartime and postwar Japan. Frontiers of Theoretical Physics. (pp. 53-58) edited by F.Sakata, K. Wu and E-G Zhao. Singapore: World Scientific.
Low, M. (2001). The butterfly and the frigate. Science, Technology and Research and Development in Japan, Vol 1. (pp. 19-45) edited by M.Low. London: Routledge.
Low, Morris (2001). General Introduction. Science, Technology and R&D in Japan, 3 vols.. (pp. 1-17) edited by Low, Morris. London: Routledge.
Low, M. (1999). The architecture of Japanese colonial science: The establishment of the Shanghai Science Institute. Current Perspectives in the History of Science in East Asia. (pp. 226-237) edited by Y.S.Kim and F.Bray. Seoul: Seoul National Univ. Press.
Journal Articles
Low, Morris (2024). Book review: Japan's Empire of Birds: Aristocrats, Anglo-Americans, and Transwar Ornithology. By Annika A. Culver. Japan Review, 39, 252-254.
Low, Morris (2023). Review of Dream Super-Express: A Cultural History of the World's First Bullet Train By Jessamyn R. Abel. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2022. Pp. ix + 289. Technology and Culture, 64 (1), 269-271.
Low, Morris (2023). Dream Super-Express: A Cultural History of the World's First Bullet Train. Technology and Culture, 64 (1), 269-+. doi: 10.1353/tech.2023.0008
Low, Morris (2020). Book review: Behind the Exhibit: Displaying Science and Technology at World's Fairs and Museums in the Twentieth Century. Artefacts: Studies in the History of Science and Technology, vol. 12. Edited by Elena Canadelli, Marco Beretta, and Laura Ronzon. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2019. Pp. 263.. Technology and Culture, 61 (4), 1269-1270. doi: 10.1353/tech.2020.0153
Low, Morris (2019). [Book Review] Electrified Voices: How the telephone, phonograph, and radio shaped modern Japan, 1868-1945. American Historical Review, 124 (5), 1867-1868. doi: 10.1093/ahr/rhz857
Low, Morris (2019). Godart, G. Clinton. Darwin, dharma, and the divine: evolutionary theory and religion in modern Japan. x, 301 pp., illus., bibliogr. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawai‘i Press, 2017. £68.00 (cloth). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 25 (3), 639-640. doi: 10.1111/1467-9655.13114
Low, Morris (2017). Review of Kerry Ross, Photography for Everyone: The Cultural Lives of Cameras and Consumers in Early Twentieth-Century Japan. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2015. Pp. xv, 234. American Historical Review, 122 (5), 1596-1597. doi: 10.1093/ahr/122.5.1596
Low, Morris (2017). Contemporary Sino-Japanese relations on screen: a history, 1989-2005. Journal of Japanese Studies, 43 (2), 458-462. doi: 10.1353/jjs.2017.0057
Low, Morris (2015). American photography during the allied occupation of Japan: the work of John W. Bennett. History of Photography, 39 (3), 263-278. doi: 10.1080/03087298.2015.1064613
Low, Morris (2015). Review of 'Questioning Science in East Asian Contexts: Essays on Science, Confucianism, and the Comparative History of Science' by Yung Sik Kim. Isis, 106 (2), 415-416. doi: 10.1086/682755
Low, Morris (2014). Maximum Embodiment: Yōga, the Western Painting of Japan, 1912–1955 by Bert Winther-Tamaki. Asian Studies Review, 38 (4), 700-701. doi: 10.1080/10357823.2014.963916
Low, Morris (2014). Review of 'The Nature of the Beasts: Empire and Exhibition at the Tokyo Imperial Zoo.' by Ian Jared Miller. Isis, 105 (3), 656-657. doi: 10.1086/679160
Low, Morris (2014). Hanga: modern Japanese prints. Artlines, 2014 (2), 8-9.
Low, Morris (2014). In memoriam: Shigeru Nakayama (1928-2014). Historia Scientiarum, 24 (1), 25-28.
Low, Morris (2013). Maki Fukuoka. The Premise of Fidelity: Science, Visuality, and Representing the Real in Nineteenth-Century Japan. American Historical Review, 118 (4), 1162-1163. doi: 10.1093/ahr/118.4.1162
Low, Morris (2013). Eco-cities in Japan: past and future. Journal of Urban Technology, 20 (1), 7-22. doi: 10.1080/10630732.2012.735107
Low, Morris (2013). Alexander R. Bay, Beriberi in Modern Japan: The Making of a National Disease. Health and History, 15 (2), 123-125. doi: 10.5401/healthhist.15.2.0123
Low, Morris (2012). Technology of Empire: Telecommunications and Japanese Expansion in Asia, 1883-1945. Isis, 103 (2), 423-424. doi: 10.1086/667510
Low, Morris (2012). Imperial Japan at its Zenith: the wartime celebration of the empire's 2,600th anniversary. Japanese Studies, 32 (1), 137-139. doi: 10.1080/10371397.2012.670095
Low, Morris (2012). Physical anthropology in Japan: The Ainu and the search for the origins of the Japanese. Current Anthropology, 53 (S5), S57-S68. doi: 10.1086/662334
Low, Morris (2011). The impact of Western science and technology on Ukiyo-e prints and book illustrations in late eighteenth and nineteenth century Japan. Historia Scientiarum, 21 (1), 66-87.
Low, Morris and Chung, Hyung-Min (2011). Introduction. Historia Scientiarum, 21 (1), 1-2.
Low, Morris (2010). Colonial modernity and networks in the Japanese empire: The role of Gotō Shinpei. Historia Scientiarum, 19 (3), 195-208.
Low, Morris (2010). Alan K.L. Chan, Gregory K. Clancey, and Hui-Chieh Loy (eds.), Historical Perspectives on East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine. East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine, 32, 136-139.
Low, Morris (2010). Science for the Empire: Scientific Nationalism in Modern Japan. Japanese Studies, 30 (3), 469-471. doi: 10.1080/10371397.2010.518939
Low, Morris (2009). The history of Japanese science: Recent developments. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal, 3 (4), 519-524. doi: 10.1007/s12280-009-9111-8
Low, Morris (2009). Book Review: Alexis Dudden. Troubled Apologies among Japan, Korea, and the United States, New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. Japanese Studies, 29 (3), 457-459.
Low, Morris (2009). Book Reviews: MITSUYO WADA-MARCIANO. Nippon Modern: Japanese Cinema of the 1920s and 1930s. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2008. MICHAEL BASKETT. The Attractive Empire: Transnational Film Culture in Imperial Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i. Asian Studies Review, 33 (3), 391-394.
Low, Morris (2009). Nōberu shō o unda Sakata Shōichi to sono jidai [The Nobel Prize, Shōichi Sakata and his times]. Kagaku [Science], 79 (7), 391-395.
Low, Morris (2009). In Memoriam: Miriam R. Silverberg (1951-2008). Japanese Studies, 29 (1), 145-146. doi: 10.1080/10371390902897987
Low, Morris (2009). The Attractive Empire: Transnational Film Culture in Imperial Japan. Asian Studies Review, 33 (3), 391-395.
Low, Morris (2009). Troubled Apologies Among Japan, Korea, and the United States. Japanese Studies, 29 (3), 457-459.
Low, M. (2008). Wartime images, identity and the struggle for Japan's past: Review of Certain Victory: Images of World War II in the Japanese Media by David C. Earhart. Japanese Studies, 28 (3), 395-398. doi: 10.1080/10371390802446927
Low, Morris (2008). Introduction. Historia Scientiarum, 18 (2), 59-61.
Low, Morris (2008). Science, Protestant Christianity and Darwinism in Meiji Japan. Historia Scientiarum, 18 (2), 76-87.
Low, Morris (2008). Overcoming Modernity: Cultural Identity in Wartime Japan. Japanese Studies, 28 (3)
Low, Morris (2008). Yasukuni, the War Dead and the Struggle for Japan's Past. Japanese Studies, 28 (3)
Low, Morris (2007). Shoichi Sakata: His life, the Sakata model and his achievements. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 167 (167), 1-8. doi: 10.1143/PTPS.167.1
Low, M. (2006). Accelerators and politics in postwar Japan. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, 36 (2), 275-295. doi: 10.1525/hsps.2006.36.2.275
Low, Morris (2006). Review of Reasonable men, powerful words: Political culture and expertise in twentieth-century Japan by Laura Hein. Isis, 97 (3), 588-589. doi: 10.1086/510000
Low, Morris (2006). Japan on Display Photography and the emperor Preface. Japan On Display: Photography and the Emperor, X-+.
Low, M. (2005). Environmental Science in Japan. Minerva, 43 (4), 441-444. doi: 10.1007/s11024-005-2469-4
Low, Morris (2005). Introduction. Building a Modern Japan: Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Meiji Era and Beyond, 1-10. doi: 10.1057/9781403981110
Low, Morris (2005). Preface. Building a Modern Japan: Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Meiji Era and Beyond, xiii-xiv. doi: 10.1057/9781403981110
Baader, G., Lederer, S., Low, M., Schmaltz, F. and v. Schwerin, A. (2005). Pathways to human experimentation, 1933-1945: Germany, Japan and the United States. Osiris, 20, 205-227. doi: 10.1086/649419
Low, Morris (2005). BUILDING A MODERN JAPAN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND MEDICINE IN THE MEIJI ERA AND BEYOND INTRODUCTION. Building a Modern Japan: Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Meiji Era and Beyond, 1-10.
Low, Morris (2005). BUILDING A MODERN JAPAN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND MEDICINE IN THE MEIJI ERA AND BEYOND PREFACE. Building a Modern Japan: Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Meiji Era and Beyond, XIII-XIV.
Low, M. (2004). Review Saadia M. Pekkanen. Picking Winners? From Technology Catch-up to the Space Race in Japan. Asian Studies Review, 28 (4), 438-439. doi: 10.1080/10357820500034813
Low, Morris (2004). Shigeru Nakayama (Editor). With Kunio Goto and Hitoshi Yoshioka. A Social History of Science and Technology in Contemporary Japan. Volume 1: The Occupation Period, 1945–1952. x + 632 pp., figs., bibl., index. Australia: Trans Pacific Press, 2001. Isis, 95 (1), 171-172. doi: 10.1086/423599
Low, M. (2004). Review of The Lens within the Heart: The Western Scientific Gaze and Popular Imaginery in Later Edo Japan. By Timon Screech. Journal of Japanese Studies, 30 (1), 163-166. doi: 10.1353/jjs.2004.0023
Low, MF (2003). Current perspectives in the history of science in East Asia. Annals of Science, 60 (3), 327-328. doi: 10.1080/00033790110091826
Low, M. (2003). Displaying the future: Techno-nationalism and the rise of the consumer in postwar Japan. History and Technology, 19 (3), 197-209. doi: 10.1080/0734151032000123945
Low, M. and Kargon, R. (2003). Introduction. History and Technology, 19 (3), 175-176. doi: 10.1080/0734151032000123927
Low, Morris and Kargon, Robert H. (2003). Introduction. History and Technology, 19 (3), 175-176. doi: 10.1080/0734151032000123927
Low, Morris (2002). Introduction. Asian Studies Review, 26 (2), 145-146. doi: 10.1080/10357820208713337
Low, M. (2002). Book review: War, occupation and creativity: Japan and East Asia, 1920-1960. Japanese Studies, 22 (3), 333-335.
Low, M (2001). Assembled in Japan: Electrical goods and the making of the Japanese consumer. Journal of Japanese Studies, 27 (1), 168-172. doi: 10.2307/3591944
Low, M. (2001). Review of Assembled in Japan: Electrical Goods and the Making of the Japanese Consumer by Simon Partner. The Journal of Japanese Studies, 27 (1), 169-172.
Low, M. (2001). From Einstein to Shirakawa: The Nobel Prize in Japan. Minerva (39), 446-460.
Low, M. (2001). Review of Imperfect Conceptions: Medical Knowledge, Birth Defects and Eugenics in China by Fank Dikotter. The China Journal (45), 209-210.
Low, M (2001). From Einstein to Shirakawa: The Nobel Prize in Japan. Minerva, 39 (4), 445-460. doi: 10.1023/A:1012740020275
Low, M. (2000). Review of Modern Asian Art by J. Clark. Artlink, 20 (2), 73.
Low, M. (2000). Hybrid transplants at the Queensland Art Gallery. Artlink, 20 (2), 56-57.
Low, M. (1999). Science and civil society in Japan: Physicists as public men and policymakers. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, 30 (1), 191-225. doi: 10.2307/27757824
Low, M. (1999). The changing ways of the warrior: Masculinity and the Japanese soldier during the Second World War. Wartime, 6, 22-26.
Low, M. (1999). Review of R. Aldrich & J. Connell, The Last Colonies; R.F. Waters, T.G. McGee & Ginny Sullivan (eds) Asia-Pacific New Geographies of the Pacific Rim; H.A.Khan, Technology, Development and Democracy: Limits of National Innovation Systems in the Pag. Asian Studies Review, 23 (4), 543-544.
Low, M. (1999). Review of S. Giffard, Japan Among the Powers, 1890-1990, and K. Moon, Sex Among the Allies: Military Prostitution in US-Korean Relations. Asian Studies Review, 23 (1), 113-114.
Low, M. (1999). Japan, modernity and the Tokyo Olympics. Humanities Research, 2, 33-52.
Low, M. (1999). Review of D.P. Martinez (ed.) The Worlds of Japanese Popular Culture: Gender, Shifting Boundaries and Global Cultures. Japanese Studies, 19 (3), 320-322.
Low, M. (1999). The Japanese nation in evolution: W.E. Griffis, hybridity and the whiteness of the Japanese race. History and Anthropology, 11 (2-3), 203-234.
Low, M. and Dureau, C. (1999). The politics of knowledge: Science and evolution in Asia and the Pacific. History and Anthropology, 11 (2-3), 131-156. doi: 10.1080/02757206.1999.9960911
Low, M (1998). Sites of desire, economies of pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific. Journal of Pacific History, 33 (2), 259-260.
Low, MF (1998). Beyond Joseph Needham - Science, technology, and medicine in East and Southeast Asia. Osiris, 13, 1-8.
Low, M. (1998). Beyond Joseph Needham: Science, technology and medicine in East and Southeast Asia. Osiris, 13, 1-6.
Low, M. and Gooday, G. J. (1998). Technology transfer and cultural exchange: Western scientists and engineers encounter late Tokugawa and Meiji Japan. Osiris, 13, 99-128.
Nakayama, Shigeru and Low, Morris F. (1997). The research function of universities in Japan. Higher Education, 34 (2), 245-258. doi: 10.1023/A:1003016515514
Low, M (1996). The modern epidemic: A history of tuberculosis in Japan - Johnston,W. Isis, 87 (4), 751-752. doi: 10.1086/357708
Low, Morris F. (1996). Book Review: M. Hobday, Innovation in East Asia: The Challenge to Japan (Aldershot, Hants: Edward Elgar, 1995.). Asia Pacific Business Review, 3 (1), 95-97. doi: 10.1080/13602389600000063
Low, Morris F. (1996). Medical representations of the body in Japan: Gender, class, and discourse in the eighteenth century. Annals of Science, 53 (4), 345-359. doi: 10.1080/00033799608560821
Low, Morris (1996). Review of Alexandra Munroe, Japanese Art After 1945: Scream Against the Sky, New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1994, 416 pp.. Japanese Studies, 16 (1), 105-111. doi: 10.1080/10371399608727604
HOME, RW and LOW, MF (1993). POSTWAR SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE MISSIONS TO JAPAN. Isis, 84 (3), 527-537. doi: 10.1086/356550
Low, Morris (1993). The Birth of Godzilla: Nuclear Fear and the Ideology of Japan as Victim. Japanese Studies, 13 (2), 48-58. doi: 10.1080/10371399308521861
Low, Morris F. (1993). The history of East Asian science: State of the art. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 24 (4), 677-686. doi: 10.1016/0039-3681(93)90058-R
Low, Morris (1991). Outgoing secretary/treasurer's report. Japanese Studies, 11 (2), 8-10. doi: 10.1080/10371399108522139
Low, Morris (1991). The cold war and Japanese studies: Culturalism/nationalism and Japan's modernisation. Japanese Studies, 11 (1), 29-43. doi: 10.1080/10371399108521944
Low, Morris (1991). ‘The yellow peril': Imagined or real? a review of frei, japan's southward advance and australia. Japanese Studies, 11 (1), 130-132. doi: 10.1080/10371399108521960
Low, Morris F. (1991). 33. The Sakata Memorial Archival Library : An Introduction. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 105, 316-317. doi: 10.1143/ptps.105.316
Low, Morris F. (1991). 21. Accounting for the Sakata Model. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 105, 216-225. doi: 10.1143/ptps.105.216
Fraser Low, Morris (1990). Japan’s secret war? ‘instant’ scientific manpower and japan’s world war ii atomic bomb project. Annals of Science, 47 (4), 347-360. doi: 10.1080/00033799000200281
Low, Morris (1989). An Emperor of Signs: View of a Postgraduate Student in Japan. Japanese Studies, 9 (1), 25-27. doi: 10.1080/10371398908522089
Low, Morris (1989). JSAA memberships. Japanese Studies, 9 (3) doi: 10.1080/10371398908522079
Low, Morris (1989). Japan foundation grant for 1990–1991. Japanese Studies, 9 (3) doi: 10.1080/10371398908522078
Low, Morris Fraser (1989). The Butterfly and the Frigate: Social Studies of Science in Japan. Social Studies of Science, 19 (2), 313-342. doi: 10.1177/030631289019002006
Low, Morris (1988). Gakusei Joohoo. Japanese Studies, 8 (1), 27-28. doi: 10.1080/10371398808737598
Conference Papers
Low, Morris (2011). Science and christianity in the lives of Ahn Jung-geun, Kôtoku Shûsui and Ōsugi Sakae. Centennial Commemoration of the High Treason Incident - Looking Backward from Australia, Gold Coast, Australia, 20-22 August 2010. Gold Coast, Australia: Bond University.
Low, Morris (2007). Shôichi Sakata: His life, the Sakata model and his achievements. 2006 International Symposium: The Jubilee of the Sakata Model (pn?50), , , November 25, 2006-November 26, 2006. Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics.
Low, Morris (2001). Physics and society: the development of particle physics in wartime and postwar Japan. International Workshop on Frontiers of Theoretical Physics, Beijing, China, 2 – 5 November 1999. WORLD SCIENTIFIC. doi: 10.1142/9789812810380_0006
Low, M. (2000). Chinese Science, Technology and Medicine: View from the Diaspora. Asian Studies Assoc of Australia Conference, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 3-5 July, 2000. Melbourne: Uni. of Melbourne.
Reference Entries
Low, M. (2007). Science and Technology Parks.
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Low, M. and Buckley, S. (2002). Information Society.
Low, M. (2002). Technology.
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