We've enjoyed many exciting events in 2024! Below are a few photo highlights!
'Reform?' Research Seminar. Chair: Dr Beth Spacey, Dr Kit Morrell, Yung Jing, Richard Leo and Dr Peter Ellerton.HDR Poster Competition: Best Content Winner. Chris White: ‘Werecats, Weresnakes & Werehares: The meanings of Monsters’HDR Poster Competition: Best Visuals. Talia Fell: ‘Women and Friendship Between Subjects’HDR Poster Competition. People’s Choice: Tyler Horton: ‘spare my soul from all the weaknesses of my sex: Christina of Sweden and Constructions of Sovereignty in Early Modern Europe’RD Milns Visiting Professor Mirko Canevaro (right), with A/Prof David Pritchard.Annual Lecture: 'Speaking from Within' with A/Prof Fiona Foley and A/Prof Stephanie Gilbert. Introduced by Prof Lisa Featherstone.HDR student Page Maguire competes in HASS 3MT (Three Minute Thesis Competition).'Resistance' Research Seminar. Chair: Dr Ryan Williams. Speakers: Dr Janette McWilliam, Dr Debra Parish, Professor Marguerite La Caze and Lily Elston-Leadbetter