Semesters 1 and 2, 2016

All seminars held from 2.00pm in room E319, Forgan Smith Building (1).

Date Title Presenter
Friday, 18 March Ecology, War, and the Path of Reconciliation Clive Ayre
Friday, 22 April
(from 3.00pm)
Beyond Religious Nationalism: Violence and a Modern Trans-national Theravada Buddhist Identity in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand
Neal Apel
(Confirmation milestone seminar)
Friday, 29 April Personal and Community Well-being: A Wesleyan Theological Framework for Overcoming Prejudice David McEwan
Correlational Theology in the Pulpit Neil Pembroke
Friday, 13 May States of Origins: Theology and Evolutionary Biology in Australian Baptist Theological Colleges
Timothy Ruben
(Confirmation milestone seminar)
Friday, 27 May Theological Reflection, the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, and Education for Ministry Sam Hey
What Would Niebuhr Say About Isis?: The realism of Reinhold Niebuhr reflected in his rejection of pacifism and his qualified support for armed intervention David Pitman
Friday, 3 June Persons, Divine and Human, and Therapy: A Mutually Critical Correlation between Trinitarian theology and Narrative Therapy
Lex McMillan
(Thesis Review milestone seminar)
Friday, 24 June Learning and Loves: Reimagining Christian Education Dave Benson
Friday, 19 August Theology, Spirituality, Values and Ethics in Positive Organization Change Processes: Assessing the Contributions of Albert Schweitzer and Rudolph Otto to the Formation and Development of Appreciative Inquiry Ray Reddicliffe
Covenanted Sexual Relationality as Locus for Spiritual Formation Anne Klose
Friday, 23 September TBA Dean Smith
Governing the Church: Adding Ecclesiology to Ethics and Economics in the Contemporary Non-Profit Environment Anita Monro
Friday, 21 October Travelling for Religious Knowledge: Insights from Islam Aaron Ghiloni
Art as a Postmodern Apologetic Wendi Sargeant