Research Higher Degree student exchange with New Zealand universities

As part of our attempts to enhance the RHD student experience, the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry has reached agreement with three New Zealand universities that each year up to two RHD students from the School will visit New Zealand universities to deliver talks, usually in their existing staff and student seminar programmes, and each year the School will host up to two postgraduates in return.

Classics and Ancient History have partnered with the University of Otago in Dunedin, Philosophy with the University of Auckland, History with the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, and Studies in Religion is still seeking a partner institution.

The exchange roster is as follows:


Odd years

Even years

Classics and Ancient History Hosts visiting students from a New Zealand university Sends HPI student to the University of Otago
Studies in Religion Currently seeking partner institution Currently seeking partner institution
Philosophy Hosts visiting student from the University of Auckland Sends HPI student to the University of Auckland
History Sends HPI student to the University of Canterbury Hosts visiting student from the University of Canterbury

Selection and Eligibility

At a suitable time applications will be called for within the disciplines which are sending visitors to the partner institutions. Applicants will need to submit to their Discipline Research and Research Training Advisor:

Application deadline: 31 March in the year the discipline sends a student to their partner institution.

Students whose candidature has not yet been confirmed are not eligible to apply.

Students will only be permitted to participate in the scheme once in their RHD candidature.

The selection of the successful applicant will be done by the Deputy Director of Research and Research Training and the Discipline Research and Research Training Advisor in conjunction with the Head of School. The host institution may be consulted as to what proposed paper will fit in most closely with its interests.

Payment for Travel and Accommodation

Successful applicants will be provided with a return economy ticket from Brisbane to their destination, and the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry will cover costs up to $300 for two nights of accommodation and meals.

The School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry may contribute up to $600 to cover up to four nights of accommodation if the applicant can convince the selection committee that the extra time will be profitably employed in, for example, meeting with other RHD students or academic staff in the candidate’s field, or otherwise undertaking activities that will benefit the candidate and contribute to closer links between the School and the host institution. Applicants who wish to apply for the extra time at the host institution must supply full details of how their time will be spent including, for example, evidence of scheduled meetings and activities. Generalised statements such as “meeting with others working in my area” will not be considered sufficient.

Students who wish to spend longer at the host institution may also do so at their own expense or, if eligible and applicable, out of monies available through their School research travel allowance or the Graduate School International Travel Award (GSITA).

Student Obligations

Participants are:

  • Expected to represent the School and the University in an appropriate manner.
  • Required to write a short piece (of approximately 300 words) for the School newsletter Quadrivia on their return.

Applicants must submit...

All documentation is to be submitted to the relevant discipline Research and Research Training Advisor.

Application deadline

31 March in the year the discipline sends a student to their partner institution.