Ramsey, C. A. (2014). Open-endedness: towards an encounter with alterity. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
Journal Articles
Ramsey, Carole (2016). A brief phenomenology of Dasein. Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 3 (4), 499-514. doi: 10.5325/jspecphil.30.4.0499
Ramsey, Carole (2016). The right to die: beyond academia. Monash Bioethics Review, 34 (1), 70-87. doi: 10.1007/s40592-016-0056-0
Ramsey, Carole Ann (2012). Open-endedness: Towards an encounter with alterity. PhD Thesis, School of History, Philosophy, Religion & Classics, The University of Queensland.