Researcher biography
I am an Honorary Research Fellow in Philosophy at the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry. I work as a Senior Faculty Admistrator at the University Adminstration of Uppsala University, Sweden. I also hold the title of Docent (Adjunct Professor) in Philosophy at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
I work mainly in existential philosophy, broadly construed, with a particular interest in Ludwig Wittgenstein and in his student Rush Rhees.
Book Chapter
Solin, Kim (2023). The Revision of Wittgenstein’s Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics. The Creation of Wittgenstein. (pp. 105-136) London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic. doi: 10.5040/
Journal Articles
Solin, Kim (2021). Book Review: Juliet Floyd and Felix Mühlhölzer, Wittgenstein’s Annotations to Hardy’s Course of Pure Mathematics: An Investigation of Wittgenstein’s Non-Extensionalist Understanding of the Real Numbers. Nordic Wittgenstein Review, 157-162. doi: 10.15845/nwr.v0i0.3613
Solin, Kim (2012). Dual choice and iteration in an abstract algebra of action. Studia Logica, 100 (3), 607-630. doi: 10.1007/s11225-012-9416-9
Solin, Kim (2011). Normal forms in total correctness for while programs and action systems. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 80 (6), 362-375. doi: 10.1016/j.jlap.2011.04.008
Solin, Kim (2010). A sketch of a dynamic epistemic semiring. Information and Computation, 208 (5), 594-604. doi: 10.1016/j.ic.2009.03.011
Meinicke, Larissa and Solin, Kim (2010). Refinement algebra for probabilistic programs. Formal Aspects of Computing, 22 (1), 3-31. doi: 10.1007/s00165-009-0111-1
Solin, Kim and von Wright, Joakim (2009). Enabledness and termination in refinement algebra. Science of Computer Programming, 74 (8), 654-668. doi: 10.1016/j.scico.2007.11.004
Conference Papers
Solin, Kim (2015). Encoding and decoding in refinement algebra. 15th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, Braga, Portugal, 28 September-1 October 2015. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24704-5_13
Solin, K. (2013). Modal semirings with operators for knowledge representation. 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2013, Barcelona, Spain, 15 - 18 February 2013. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Scitepress.
Dongol, Brijesh, Hayes, Ian J., Meinicke, Larissa and Solin, Kim (2012). Towards an algebra for real-time programs. 13th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2012), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 17 - 20 September 2012. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-33314-9_4
Solin, Kim (2009). A while program normal form theorem in total correctness. RelMiCS 11: 11th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science and AKA6: 6th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra, Doha, Qatar, 1-5 November, 2009. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-04639-1_22
Meinicke, L. A. and Solin, K. (2008). Reactive probabilistic programs and refinement algebra. 10th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science/5th International Workshop on Applications of Kleene Algebra, Frauenworth Germany, 7 - 11 April 2008. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-78913-0_23
Department Technical Report
Meinicke, Larissa and Solin, Kim (2006). Probabilistic Demonic Refinement Algebra. Technical Report SSE-2006-04. Division of Systems and Software Engineering Research, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland.