Associate Professor Martin Crotty

Researcher biography
Associate Professor Martin Crotty’s research interests include war and Australian society, sports history, masculinity, and education.
Associate Professor Martin Crotty studied in New Zealand before moving to Australia to undertake postgraduate studies at Monash University and the University of Melbourne. After four years of teaching History at the University of Newcastle in NSW, he took up his current position teaching History at the University of Queensland in early 2003. He has since served as the Deputy Dean of the Graduate School and is the current Head of School for the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry.
Martin's major publications include Making the Australian Male: Middle-Class Masculinity, 1870-1920 (1901) and a variety of journal articles, book chapters and edited collections, including The Great Mistakes of Australian History (2006), Turning Points in Australian History (2008) and Anzac Legacies: Australians and the Aftermath of War (2010). He has supervised widely, and has seen some fifteen MPhil and PhD students through to completion.