Queen Artemisia I of Halicarnassus is a highly remarkable figure, and Herodotus’ account of her exploits provides us with one of the most interesting stories of the Persian Wars. A strong dynast who ruled in her own right and was held in high regard by the Persian king Xerxes, she distinguished herself not only by directly participating in the battle of Salamis, but also by being the only of Xerxes’ advisors to correctly counsel against directly engaging the Greek fleet. This earned her recognition even from the opposing Greeks, with many writers praising her courage and sage advice. While there has been a renewed interest in modern scholarship in determining the legitimacy of her actions in Herodotus’ narrative, there has been much less attention given to her reputation and status over time. This chapter will explore how Artemisia has been received throughout history, examining literary and artistic depictions from antiquity to the modern day. Of particular interest in this regard is the fact that, regardless of the historical context, Artemisia has always maintained the positive characterisation given to her by Herodotus. This chapter will examine why this is the case. In doing so, this will establish both her importance as a historical figure in her own right, as well as how her significance contributes to the important legacy of the city of Halicarnassus.

About Classics and Ancient History Seminars

All research seminars begin at 4 pm on Friday (with the exception of special Friends of Antiquity events). The 16 September HPI seminar will take place on a Monday).

They will take place simultaneously in person and online.

The in-person venue is room E302 of the Forgan-Smith Building (building no. 1) on the St-Lucia campus of the University of Queensland.

Please contact Associate Professor David Pritchard d.pritchard@uq.edu.au for the zoom link. 

For further information please contact the Seminar Convenor Associate Professor David M. Pritchard (d.pritchard@uq.edu.au or +61 401 955 160).



E302 Forgan Smith Building (1)