Ancient Greek Ruins

Classics and Ancient History Peer Mentoring Programmes

Students enrolled in first-year Ancient History and Classical Languages (Latin and Ancient Greek) courses within the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry benefit from mentoring support and assistance provided by senior undergraduate and Honours students through the Classics and Ancient History Society (CAHS).

CLAMO (Classical Languages)

All students enrolled in first-year Greek and Latin language subjects (GREK1110; LATN1110; GREK2120; LATN2120) are able to access mentors as a point of contact for advice and support. The mentoring team, composed of senior undergraduate students and postgraduates, runs drop-in help sessions twice a week. They can provide you helpful language learning tips, or even test you on your vocab. (They will not help with homework assignments!)

MUSA (Ancient History)

This is the companion scheme for undergraduate Ancient History students in ANCH1240 (Rise of Ancient Greece) and ANCH1250 (Rise of Ancient Rome). There are drop-in help sessions and targeted workshops on topics such as essay writing skills and exam techniques, which are run with the assistance of Postgraduate Tutors in the Discipline of Classics and Ancient History. These are advertised throughout the semester on the CAHS mailing list and on the Facebook page.

See the Classics and Ancient History Society website and Facebook page for further details, as well as information on all the Society’s activities.

Information provided by the student mentors is intended to be of a general nature, and not specific to any particular university assignment. Students should always contact their lecturers and tutors for specific guidance on their assessment items.